To proceed with your order please follow the steps detailed below.
More information:
- Photos are printed in standard format 30×30/30×45 ou big format 40×40/40×60 depending on the original size.
- The price for photos are 50 € (standard) or 100 € (big format)
- Price for each batch of 5 postcards is 15 €
- Price for T-shirts 35 €
- Price for posters are 50×50 textured paper (45 €) et 50×70 glossy paper (35 €)
- For delivery services count 5 € (in Belgium) and 15 € (in Europe).
For any particular request please contact us.
Make a donation
If you do not want to buy products but would still like to participate in the project Beirut Beitna, You can also donate through our GoFundMe page. (Currently offline, please contact us for donation purposes)
Donations are directed to the same local initiatives as for other pictures and products.
Go to our “Galleries” tab. Browse through each theme and choose your favorite photo(s) by selecting its/their name(s).
In the contact form bellow indicate the title(s) of photographs, products, the number of pieces wanted and the delivery address.
Once the order form has been sent, you will receive an email from Beirut Beitna indicating the account number on which to pay the amount of your order. Do not hesitate to ask us if you have any additional questions!
At the time of payment, mention your name and the title of the photo in communication. Then send us your proof of payment by email.
You will receive a confirmation email with a summary of your order.
Order form
Money Raised
Pictures sold