Thawra or The October revolution
October 17, 2019. Just like a plural Lebanese society, hundreds of thousands of demonstrators started to mobilize against the current regime and the political class, shouting «kellon yaane kelloun», «all without exception». From Beirut to the Sunni- majority city of Tripoli in the North, through the Shiite localities in the South and the Druze or Christian villages in the East, young and old, women and men, mobilized to demand the resignation of a political class accused of incompetence and corruption.
Throughout its course, this revolution took many forms : broken windows and fires set, food and music festivals, art demonstrations and environmental uprisings. The Lebanese took over the streets and showed their leaders and the rest of the world that it was up to them to decide about their future. The demands were clear : «People want the fall of the regime». The slogan was «Revolution ! Revolution !» – «Thawra ! Thawra !» in Arabic.

Breaking Out
©Elizabeth Fitt

Small flames. Big hopes.
©Elizabeth Fitt

Gaz Lighted
©Elizabeth Fitt

Égérie Révolutionnaire
©Clément Gibon

Le Mur du Parlement
©Clément Gibon

Politicians are Dogs
©Noémie de Bellaigue

Mosquée Mohammad al Amin
©Noémie de Bellaigue

Revolution 2.0
©Adrienne Hurtut

Eh Là Oh !
©Adrienne Hurtut
Money raised
Sold pictures